Care and Maintenance

Catalyst™ fences are made to last with minimal upkeep. A few simple steps will help keep yours looking and working its best for years to come. Here are some easy ways to protect your investment.

wood grain privacy fence

A simple spray with your garden hose removes grass clippings, dirt and fertilizer chemicals and helps keep your fence looking like new.

Keep gates secured when not in use, and discourage children from swinging on them, to avoid excess wear on the hinges. Avoid stacking materials against your fence.

Each Spring, adjust gates to ensure they’re level and latch securely. Oil hinges and check that screws are tight. If needed, re-tamp and realign any loose fence posts.

assortment of fences in different materials and finishes

In addition to the occasional spray with your garden hose, here are some specific tips for cleaning according to fence material.

Mild soap and water takes care of most everyday dirt.

Use a non-abrasive liquid cleaner.

Try one of the following: Simple Green®, Mr. Clean® Magic Eraser, Mineral Spirits, Trichloroethylene, CLR® or vinegar. Always follow the manufacturer’s directions.

Note: Avoid using Goof Off®, as it may damage the finish.

Rinse with water, working from the bottom to the top of each section and then then back down to the bottom. This pattern will clean the surface on the way up, preventing dirty “run down” and possible streaking. Air dry or wipe with a soft, lint free cloth.

First, rinse the surface with clean water from the top to bottom. Then, clean with mild dish soap and water using a sponge. Immediately rinse any “run down” to lower parts of the fence. Never allow dish soap to collect or dry on surfaces. Immediately rinse the entire section with clean water, then allow to air dry or wipe dry with a soft, lint free cloth. For stubborn, water-soluble debris, repeat steps above until clean.

Can be cleaned using a simple degreaser, such as Simple Green®, and should be rinsed after applying.

Use CLR® and rinse after applying.

Frequently spray your fence with water to reduce accumulations of salt and dirt.

Life happens. For small scratches and dings, touch-up paint is available to match the original finish.
Contact Catalyst Customer Service to order.

For damaged pickets, we recommend replacement of the entire panel, as individual pickets cannot be easily removed.